Bring back law libraries and legal resources for inmates in Connecticut

Access to Legal Resources for Inmates

Inmates in Connecticut and across the country often lack access to legal resources, making it difficult for them to understand their rights or navigate the legal system effectively. Without access to law books or proper legal education, many individuals are left uninformed and unable to advocate for themselves.

From Isolation to Advocacy: Legal Access Behind Bars is the Key to Justice

We are advocating for the Connecticut Department of Correction to implement a comprehensive initiative across all correctional facilities in the state to ensure inmates have access to critical legal resources. This includes establishing law libraries within the facilities and making essential legal tools available on the tablets already provided to inmates. These tools should include access to legal books, the ability to download and save documents, print within the facilities, review case law, and electronically file with the courts. Such measures are crucial to empowering inmates to effectively manage their legal matters and navigate the justice system.

In addition, we want to send educators into these facilities to teach inmates how to use these resources properly, creating a vital connection and empowering them with knowledge.

How You Can Get Involved

Support Our Initiative

Donate to help us purchase tablets and legal books, and contribute to the development of these in-prison libraries.


We are looking for volunteers with legal expertise who can help educate inmates about their legal rights and how to utilize legal resources.

Raise Awareness

Share this initiative with friends, family, and colleagues to help us gather more support.

Reach out to your state representatives and urge them to support this campaign to increase wages for inmates.

If you encounter any difficulties or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help!